English for Academic Purposes: Performing and New Media Arts

Course Code
ECTS Credits
4th / 6th / 8th Semester
Σειρά εμφάνισης
Course Category

Stella Platskou

Course Description

Taught in English.The aim of this course is to guarantee our students’ successful integration into the international academic community by attempting to meet their specific language needs and skills. By focusing on the topics of Performing Arts as well as contemporary, New Media Arts and using authentic materials, students will learn the particular vocabulary and language required for becoming a competent member of an English speaking academic culture in today’s international environment by completing tasks such as giving presentations or writing essays on topics of their special interest. Students are expected to dramatically improve their speaking, discussing, planning, researching and writing skills by advancing their audial, cultural, media-based, technological and visual literacy skills and by using topic-specific language in context.