

In order to achieve its mission, DPDA applies the following quality policy, which covers the axes defined for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area and is directly linked to the strategic planning of the Institution:

  1. Ensuring conditions for a student-centred educational approach and encouraging the participation of students in the educational process in order to successfully fulfill the learning outcomes identified in the course outlines of the program.
  2. Achievement of learning outcomes in accordance with the European and National Qualifications Framework for Higher Education, in order for the graduates of the Department to contribute to culture and innovation in the Greek, European and international environment.
  3. Establishment of a systematic framework for the utilization of the results of the evaluation of the courses and of the MPA by the students, as well as the information collected from the teachers' census forms and MPA evaluation questionnaires.
  4. Ensuring the quality of the research activity of the Department and the dissemination of artistic and theoretical research and its results through the publications of the members of the Department and their participation in research and artistic activities with the contribution of undergraduate and postgraduate students and graduates of the Department.
  5. Development and expansion of the Department's collaborations with cultural, educational and other institutions and bodies, at regional, national and international level, in order to communicate its objectives and policies, to transfer knowledge and to disseminate its academic, artistic and theoretical work beyond the academic sphere, with emphasis on the social impact of academic activity and its connection with society.
  6. Linking the educational and research orientation of the Department with the fields of professional activity of students after successful completion of their studies
  7. Radical upgrading of the Department's building infrastructure.
  8. Systematic improvement of the administrative services provided and the services of the library, laboratories and student services.
  9. Implementation of the guidelines of the ESG (Environmental Social Governance) framework in administration, including in particular the principle of transparency
  10. Strengthening of equality policies and support for vulnerable social groups in the university and social environment.
  11. Involvement of external stakeholders and organisations in quality assurance.
  12. The University of Peloponnese cooperates with supervising authorities (Ministry of National Economy, National Research and Development Agency, etc.)
  13. It cooperates with the authorities and social actors in the context of regional development policies through innovation and the implementation of knowledge-intensive policies.
  14. The objectives are ensured through continuous internal and external evaluation of the Department. The responsibility for internal evaluation lies with the Internal Evaluation Team (IEG) of the TIPST, which consists of faculty members participating in the General Assembly of the Department in cooperation with the PAPEL's MDEP.
Ενημερωμένο: Ιουνίου