


We welcome you to the School of Arts of the University of the Peloponnese (Nafplion). Our School of Arts focuses on the discipline of  theatre studies and on the dynamic field and intersections of performing and digital arts, as well as on artistic and applied research in theatre, performance and digital-oriented artistic outputs. Also, the School of Arts supports the dynamic bridge between theoretical research and artistic creation with society, through students’ participation, alumni students and doctoral candidates on research events, artistic and cultural exhibitions as well as on public discourse.

The School of Arts focuses on the significance of science and arts as a buttress to responsible citizens’ trust in a fair society, without exclusions and with respect to the arts and humanities. Also, the School of Arts boosts critical and research thinking, aesthetic cultivation and the spirit of humanism by merging art and science, having as its central axis creativity and originality, The School of Arts promotes scientific and cultural participation, students mobility and development of their skills aiming both toward a multifaceted professional development and excellence upon graduation in the fields of academic research, education and the creative industries/ artistic scene. The School of Arts consists of two departments, the Department of Theatre Studies (DTS) and Department of Performing and Digital Arts (DPDA) which offer undergraduate and postgraduate courses of study.

The interdisciplinary character of the School of Arts has been supported by specialized academics, who teach various modules of theoretical and applied/artistic character. What is more, the School of Arts has been run by specialized and amenable administrative staff across secretariat offices, library and IT lab. Technical staff of the School of Arts  are responsible for the efficient performance of all technical infrastructure. Everyone in collaboration contributes to the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes of study, aiming towards a theoretical and artistic specialization as well as inspiring students becoming active citizens who will defend human values and social sensitivities. 

We wish all School of Arts undergraduates enjoy your studies and student years. We will always be by your side.

Yiannis Leontaris

Professor of DTS, Dean of School of Arts

Nafplion, September 2023

Ενημερωμένο: Ιουνίου