quality policy


Quality Assurance Policy (DPDA)

The Quality Assurance Policy of the Dept. of Performing and Digital Arts (DPDA) is harmonised with that of the University of the Peloponnese (UOP) through the application of the quality criteria of the Quality Assurance Unit (QAU/MODIP) which operates in accordance with international practices, especially those of the European Charter of Higher Education, and the principles and guidelines of HAHE (Hellenic Authority for Higher Education). The Quality Assurance Policy applied by the UOP aims to achieve its vision as defined in its strategic planning and summarised in the continuous improvement of the quality of study programs, research activity and administrative services for the benefit of society. It has set quality and its implementation as the primary objective and condition of its operations and activities and aspires to consistently form flexible and effective control procedures that will support the production of its educational and research work. The Institution Quality Assurance Policy covers the axes defined for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area, it is made public and implemented with the participation of all interested parties.

2.1 Strategic planning and objectives of the Quality Policy of DPDA

In order to carry out its mission, the DPDA applies the following quality policy procedures, which cover the axes defined for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area and are directly linked to the strategic planning of the Institution:

1. Ensuring the conditions of a student-centered educational approach and encouraging the participation of students in the educational process, so that the learning outcomes specified in the Study Guides and Course Outlines are successfully fulfilled.

2. Achievement of learning outcomes in accordance with the European and National Framework of Higher Education Qualifications, in order for the Department’s graduates to contribute meaningfully to culture and pursue innovation in the Greek, European and international environment.

3. Establishment of a systematic framework for the utilisation of the results of the evaluation of the courses and the Programme of Studies by the students, as well as the information collected from the feedback forms of the teaching staff and the course evaluation questionnaires.

4. Ensuring the quality of the research activity of the Department and the dissemination of artistic and theoretical research and its results through the publications of the members of the Department and the promotion of their participation in research and artistic activities with the contribution of undergraduate students, postgraduates and graduates (alumni) of the Department.

5. Development and expansion of the Department’s collaborations with cultural, educational and other agencies and institutions, at the regional, national and international level, with the aim of communicating its goals and policy, transmitting knowledge and disseminating academic, artistic and theoretical work beyond academia, with an emphasis on the social impact of academic activity, thus enhancing its outreach and the connection with the local community.

6. Connecting the educational and research orientation of the Department with the fields of professional activity of the students after the successful completion of their studies.

7. Substantial upgrading of the Department’s infrastructure.

8. Systematic improvement of the provided administrative services and the services of the Library, IT laboratories, student welfare and careers office.

9. Application of ESG (Environmental Social Governance) guidelines in governance, including, in particular, the principle of transparency.

10. Strengthening of equality policies and support of vulnerable social groups in the university and society.

11. Participation of external agencies and organisations in quality assurance.

a) The University of the Peloponnese cooperates with supervisory authorities (Hellenic Authority for Higher Education, Hellenic Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, etc.)

b) Cooperation with authorities and social agents within the framework of regional development policies through innovation and the implementation of knowledge-intensive policies, promoting and linking education with the labour market.

c) The objectives are ensured through the continuous internal and external evaluation of the Department. The responsibility for internal evaluation rests with the Internal Evaluation Group (IEG/OMEA), which consists of faculty members (FAS/DEP) who participate in the General Assembly of the Department in collaboration with the Quality Assurance Unit (QUA/MODIP) of the UOP.

2.2 Dissemination of the Quality Assurance Policy of the DPDA

The Department of Performing and Digital Arts communicates its Quality Assurance Policy to all interested parties. For this reason, its Internal Evaluation Group (IEG/OMEA) ensures:

a. The posting on the website of the Department’s Quality Assurance Policy in a special link through which students, graduates and other interested parties are informed.

b. The integration of the Quality Assurance Policy in the Study Guide.

c. The presentation of the principles of the Quality Assurance Policy at reception events for first-year students, as well as at meetings organised by the DPDA with scientific, social and professional bodies.

The Quality Assurance Policy is easily accessible to members of the academic community through its posting on the departmental website (http:// It is also communicated electronically and by printed means to all interested parties (teachers, researchers, students of all study cycles, administrative staff, technical staff, cooperating professional, research, academic and social bodies). Through its publication, the aim is to ensure the consent and active involvement of all interested parties in the prescribed procedures. The success and progress of the Department and the Institution depend on the substantial contribution of each member who must contribute and be accountable for the achievement of the University’s goals. The final purpose of the internal quality system is to help the academic community in establishing a culture of participation, accountability and democratic dialogue for the progress and development of the University of the Peloponnese.

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