Digital Technology and Character Animation I

Course Code
ECTS Credits
5th Semester
Σειρά εμφάνισης
Course Category
Digital Arts

Katerina El Raheb

Course Description

The course is an introduction to the theory and practice of the Art of Character Animation emphasising contemporary trends and digital applications of this art in cinema and the performing arts. A brief historical overview of the different contemporary forms of this art is presented and different types of animation are defined. In addition, the applications that this art can make today in different fields are introduced and technological tools of design and development are described. Finally, the basic principles and techniques for the development of expressive characters in digital storytelling through the posture and movement of the digital body are analysed. At the end of the course the students of the department should be able to identify and define the basic types of animation (traditional - frame by frame, two-dimensional/2D animation), digital animation (3D), animation graphics (motion graphics), stop-motion), to be able to explain basic principles of animation, and to define basic techniques, to recognize modern digital tools but also to be able to analyse, design works of art with moving characters applying basic knowledge of body movement (body mechanics) and to capture their ideas through the technique of storyboarding.