Digital Technology in Dance Creation, Research and Education

Course Code
ECTS Credits
3rd / 5th / 7th Semester
Σειρά εμφάνισης
Course Category

Katerina El Raheb

Course Description

This course focuses on the application of digital technology in the creation, research, and education of dance. This course, through examples from contemporary research and artistic creation, e.g. works by choreographers M. Cunningham, W. McGregor, W. Forsythe, presents digital technologies such as motion capture systems, extended reality equipment, web applications, machine learning techniques, and analyses the ways in which these technologies can be creatively combined with dance as a field of embodied knowledge and research,  as art, and as a form of intangible cultural heritage. Research and creation of dance as a field of study of human movement promotes the design and development of digital applications and artistic works by focusing on humans and embodied experience. The course emphasises understanding the examples and developing skills in designing corresponding applications.