Ημερομηνία Δημοσίευσης:

Collaboration between Primarolia organisation and the Dept of Performing and Digital Arts regarding two (2) positions for students-volunteers and academic aegis of the DPDA, at the framework of Primarolia Festival 2021 

under the theme of ‘Networks’ and the annual exhibition of contemporary art ‘A Stitch in Time Saves Nine’ with invited artists: Maria Varela, Myrto Xanthopoulou, Yiannis Pappas - curated by Nansy Charitonidou and Bill Psarras (Assistant Prof. of the Department PDA). 

Since 2019, Primarolia Festival is the annual cultural event of Primarolia organisation, under the aegis and support of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture, co-hosted by the Municipality of Aigialeia, DHKEPA and Region of Western Greece. 

DATE: 25 September - 3 October 2021 | Aigio, Greece

ACADEMIC AEGIS: Department of Performing and Digital Arts University of the Peloponnese / MSc in Public History (Hellenic Open University)